Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Girl From Impanema Lights Up The Floor On Saturday Night

Well it was a practice wedding that promised everything & delivered on Saturday night Michelle & Alex are due to be married in Brazil in a couple of weeks time. Sadly most of their Australian friends cannot make it. So why not hold a wedding here a practice for the big event complete with a makeshift father of the bride, a loud objector basing his objection on Brazilians being great lovers & they should share themselves with many women. The ceremony concluded with a stolen kiss to the bride & groom by a small man with very large hair. What better way to go out then exchange rings to the ring of fire.

This is by far one of the best weddings I have covered.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Looks and sounds like a fabulous evening. David, you captured the moment spectacularly, I was braced for the next frame every time! Was great to see pictures of all my colleagues who are still very near and dear to me. Congratulations to Alex and Michelle and all the best for the real deal in a few weeks. xoxo Jane O'Brien (Vancouver, Canada)